Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements?


  1. I really must say you sound like a wonderful actress. As a fellow female artist, I can really respect the efforts you went through to become a great artist. I admire the fact that you were still able to succeed as an actress despite your social class and the oppression women faced going into the arts (such the pressure your father was giving you to not go into a career with acting). That is an obstacle I noticed we both had to overcome. A difference I noticed though was our different backgrounds. You came from a lower class family of peddlers and got lucky when meeting Etienne Choron who helped start you on your path to success. I came from more of a middle class family. My father was a paper-stock salesman and my mother didn't work so I was able to be taught musically from a very young age. Another obvious difference we share is the fact that you are primarily an actress and I am more of a musician and composer. Altogether, I think you sound like a great actress. I really admire the fact that you are said to be dramatic and captivating. I'm sorry that I've never had the chance to see you perform but I would certainly love the opportunity to.

  2. Hello, I can really relate to your financial problems in your early life. I came from a family of poor bookbinders. I am also able to relate to the fact that your father did not want you to originally become an actress. My mother a father didn't want me to get involved with music at first...but look at me now! Of course now, I am a musician while you are an actress. But another thing I really cannot relate to is getting turned down by companies because of your looks. Being a musician, they do not care what you look like, as long as you have talent. Anyway, your blog is very interesting and I'd love learn more about you.

  3. Hello, Ms. Felix. I have noticed that we are somewhat similar, but we also have many differences. The largest difference is, of course, that you are a singer and an actress, while I am a writer. However, I can relate, to a certain extent, to your financial struggles. My family was really not at all poor, until my father retired at an early age. I too, had to use my art to help my struggling family. I really enjoyed learning about you, as I do not know very much about acting or singing. Most of my family were either visual artists, or writers like myself.

  4. Hello Ms. Felix,
    I see many similarities between us. We both came from poorer families, and pursued a performing art. The largest difference is as Ms. Rossetti said above, you are a singer and an actress, while I m a dancer. Dance does have an acting part to it because you have to become the character emotionally and physically. Rehearsal is starting i must go.
    - Fanny Elssler

  5. Ms. Felix, we have very many similarities you see, I as well as Fanny come from a poor family, really no family at all, Singing changed my life really. It's an absolutely beautiful passion to have. I cannot say I have been turned down by companies because of my looks though! I know I myself is not the prettiest but i do love how I look and you should never take that from a company.

  6. Hello, Ms. Felix. I do indeed enjoy your blog! Although I cannot find many similarities I do see we are both women who have made it in the art world. One of our biggest differences would be that you came up from a lower class family where as I was raised in the royal, upper class. I do admire your work, you seem like a wonderful woman!

  7. Hello there Ms.Felix! Firstly I enjoyed reading of you! you're more interesting than I anticipated. In fact I noticed quite a few similarites between us. For instance, although I am a proffessional opera singer, you still sang! Also you were mostly inspired by your father, who for me was a great inspiration as well. More like motivation really. I did a bit of acting too. But also, you know how you played the role of a girl who was in a love triangle.. well I was actually in one. With the man I was married to but wanted and waited despreatly to divorce, and the man ( who I did marry eventually ) that I truely loved.

    Now I also, ofcouirse found some differences, which were, well obviously, I'm a famous Opera singer. While you're mainly known for being an actress. I traveled much in my life while you well... didin't. That do my art for the love of it and the fact I was kindof born into it, you (being lower in class) did yours for money. More importantly you and your sibilings battled sort of for spotlight. While me an my sibilings all new I was the star, therefore there was no competition.

    Lastley I'm not truley one to judge, but I do wantto say your a great woman, yet you could use more excitement in your life daring!
